The Club Tropical home is on a tropical island sticking its head above the salty waters that surround it. Being in such a close relationship with the Ocean, we are very clear how important it is to protect the water and the myriad of creatures depending on it as their home. With smaller world populations and less industrialized societies, the waste runoff and even garbage that spilt into the water was not serious. It has long been said that the solution to pollution is dilution. The Ocean is very vast but sadly the amount of waste and other pollutants that are now accumulating are straining the Ocean’s ability to process and break them down. Time can handle things like oil spills even though there may be immense local damage but the continuous build up of plastic particles and other trash is beginning to cause serious problems to the Ocean’s health and stability. This is a water planet and therefore what happens to the Ocean affects the entire eco system.
There are two fronts where we must place attention and seek solutions. One is a global issue that is partially just a natural phenomenon for our planet but is being greatly intensified by human activity. The heating of the planet is melting the arctic ice and will gradually raise sea level. It may not be in your life time but in your children’s or grand children’s life most of our lovely island may be submerged. The Ocean and its creatures will survive these changes but the lives of many humans will be dramatically changed. As you are probably aware, the temperature increase is also increasing the intensity of tropical storms. We need to take full advantage of the advancing solar technology and the phasing out of petroleum operated machines, replacing them with clean pollution free electric engines. Most everyone is aware of this situation and it is inevitable that the new technologies with continue to advance and replace antiquated equipment. The other issue – one that does not get as much attention – is the pollution of the water on this planet.
This is a problem that does not require anywhere near the amount of technology to eliminate. What are required here are awareness and a will to do something about it. We must take very seriously the buildup of waste plastic. Unlike oil spilled in the Sea it cannot be broken down by time. It just keeps accumulating and mucking up the works. Fish are being found filled with small plastic particles. Plastic bottles and other plastic waste make areas of the Ocean look like giant trash heaps out in the middle of miles of what should be vibrant areas of our planet. There is work to be done and solutions to be developed. Not only will this work protect the lives of those that live in the Oceans but also the wellbeing of all those who depend on the Ocean for food.
You can also do your part to decrease plastic waste. We should probably go back to glass bottles for many things. Easiest thing is reuse everything instead of throwing it away. Get a metal water bottle that you can fill up over and over again and stop buying those plastic bottles – they are about the biggest cause of the problem. You can help fix it with little inconvenience.
We want to encourage you to take some ACTION RIGHT NOW! Please make a contribution to the efforts of THE OCEAN CONSERVANCY – there are other great groups as well but this group has a global footprint and a powerful network of people and companies they are working with.
MAKE A DONATION NOW – even just $10 or $20 will help keep the Ocean healthy.
The following is added information from their web pages to tell you more or just go directly to https://oceanconservancy.org/
2020 International Coastal Cleanup
Ocean Conservancy is looking forward to safely celebrating the 2020 International Coastal Cleanup (ICC) with YOU- a global community of ocean advocates! During the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, we all must focus on staying safe and healthy. This year we are together apart, for our communities and for our ocean. We are asking ocean lovers everywhere to #CleanOn:
- In your community: If you can, do an individual or small-scale, socially distant cleanup in your neighborhood.
- At home: Learn how you can reduce waste and ask leaders to make a clean, healthy ocean a priority.
On this page, you will find resources that allow you, your family, friends and community, opportunities to make an impact during the 2020 ICC season. From engaging in the spirit of the movement from home, or cleaning up your neighborhood or local waterway , the ocean – and the wildlife and communities that depend on it- thank you for your participation.
Together Apart
How to Conduct a Safe, Small Group or Individual Cleanup
8 Steps to Safely Conduct a Solo or Small Cleanup
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1. Pick a Location: Identify a safe location to clean where social distancing is easily achievable. Think ahead about where you will properly dispose of trash at the location you choose. Monitor your health and the health of your family members before considering a cleanup of any size |
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2. Gather Materials: Gather materials needed. This includes proper Personal Protective Equipment (masks and gloves), hand sanitizer, grabbers, trash bags, closed toed shoes and a reusable water bottle. |
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3. Download Clean Swell: If you are able, please help us collect important data on the types and amount of trash you remove. Download the Clean Swell application on your phone or other smart device. Be sure to “Allow” location services while using the app. |
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4. Clean Up: Safely collect trash using gloves, and take pictures to document your efforts. Never pick up any trash items that you are not comfortable with. |
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5. Carefully Remove Gloves: After you finish collecting items, carefully remove gloves and wash hands and arms with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. |
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6. Record Data: Follow steps on the Clean Swell app to review and submit your data. Data automatically submit to Ocean Conservancy’s database when you see a “Thank You!” screen. |
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7. Properly Dispose of Waste: Properly dispose of items collected. Do not place trash bags in overflowing bins. This may cause items to fly away and end up back in the water. |
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8. Sanitize: Immediately and thoroughly sanitize any gear used during the cleanup including grabbers, gloves and buckets. |
Find Out More
- Learn more about Ocean Conservancy’s cleanup data collection app, Clean Swell.
- For more information on planning a cleanup from start to finish, check out our Start a Cleanup page.
Take Action at Home
At its core, the International Coastal Cleanup is about people: the incredible community of people like you, who care about our ocean’s health and strive to keep it free of plastic pollution and trash. If participating in a cleanup activity is not an option for you this year, there are other ways to take action! Here’s how you can take part, from anywhere:
- Learn: The best way to prevent marine debris is to learn about it and share your knowledge with others! Become an expert with our education guide: Talking Trash & Taking Action.
- Advocate: join the chorus of voices asking our leaders to make a clean, healthy ocean a priority with SOS 2.0 and the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act
- Create: Have a clever upcycling craft or at-home project? Wondering what to do with all those clean yogurt cups? Host a “Trash Fashion Show” and challenge your household to create fun costumes from clean recyclables. Share your nifty upcycled project with the ICC online community by posting to social media with the tag #CleanOn. Here’s some ideas to get you started: